
SRM 144 DIV 2 1100


Problem Statement
You work for an electric company, and the power goes out in a rather large apartment complex with a lot of irate tenants. You isolate the problem to a network of sewers underneath the complex with a step-up transformer at every junction in the maze of ducts. Before the power can be restored, every transformer must be checked for proper operation and fixed if necessary. To make things worse, the sewer ducts are arranged as a tree with the root of the tree at the entrance to the network of sewers. This means that in order to get from one transformer to the next, there will be a lot of backtracking through the long and claustrophobic ducts because there are no shortcuts between junctions. Furthermore, it's a Sunday; you only have one available technician on duty to search the sewer network for the bad transformers. Your supervisor wants to know how quickly you can get the power back on; he's so impatient that he wants the power back on the moment the technician okays the last transformer, without even waiting for the technician to exit the sewers first.
You will be given three vector <int>'s: fromJunction, toJunction, and ductLength that represents each sewer duct. Duct i starts at junction (fromJunction[i]) and leads to junction (toJunction[i]). ductlength[i] represents the amount of minutes it takes for the technician to traverse the duct connecting fromJunction[i] and toJunction[i]. Consider the amount of time it takes for your technician to check/repair the transformer to be instantaneous. Your technician will start at junction 0 which is the root of the sewer system. Your goal is to calculate the minimum number of minutes it will take for your technician to check all of the transformers. You will return an int that represents this minimum number of minutes.

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形如:\[\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{1}{i}=1+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{3}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n}\] 的级数称作调和级数。


即:\[\lim_{n\rightarrow+\infty}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{1}{i}\]是否存在。(n ,i 均为自然数)


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最佳止步问题(optimal stopping)[3]



如果你把眼光稍为放低一点, 能够选中第一名或第二名就好的话,那么你应该采取怎样的手段?

很自然地,一开始你仍应按以前的办法进行,自第 位起,等候第一个临时第一名。但是如果等了一段时间,还未出现,这是会有疑虑: 是不是第一名已成漏网之鱼? (已经在最前面r -1位中出现了)。所以你应该自第s位( s > r )起,首次碰到临时第一名或临时第二名时,你都一把抓住,因为临时第二名也可能会是实际第二名。我们也可以证明,最好的手段,就在这一类里,不过我也不证明了。我再简写如下:

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最佳止步问题(optimal stopping)[2]




\[x_{k}\]:表示第 k 个物品的名次,即实际名次。显然,这是个随见变量,而且我们对于该名次,之前是一无所知的,但是我们知道的,是每个物品的临时名次,也就是说,当我们看到第 k 个物品时,该物品在前 k 个物品中排第几我们是知道的。


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最佳止步问题(optimal stopping)[1]



You are observing a sequence of objects which can be ranked from best to worst. You wish to choose a stopping rule which maximises your chance of picking the best object.

Here, if R_1, \ldots, R_n (n is some large number, perhaps) are the ranks of the objects, and yi is the chance you pick the best object if you stop intentionally rejecting objects at step i, then (Riand (yi) are the sequences associated with this problem.

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